Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ooey, Gooey Pecany Goodness

So, inevitably delayed today on my flight home from Dayton (ugh, what a gross town), I decide to have myself a Cinnabon...and may I preface this post by saying that we do not have Cinnabon in Alabama, and they are very rare in Georgia and Florida. Suffice it to say I have had less cinnabon experiences than I have fingers on one hand.

The shop sign enticed me with the most amazing looking "mini" pecan cinnamon rolls. I thought 1 or 2 with a cup of coffee would be just what I needed for an afternoon pick me up.

They only come in increments of 6. You can't get one or two. So I'm sure you are wondering.

Yes. I got 6. I reasoned that I could probably eat a few at that moment and then save the rest later.

5 minutes later (yep, 5 minutes) I am slurping whats left of the syrup off of my fingers and wondering how conspicuous it would be if I ran my fingers along the little plastic tray they came in to get all the extra frosting.

6 "mini" pecan cinnamon rolls laced with sugar and some unnameable substance that is the reason people blog. It's gotta be. 

Then I had to sit on a plane for 2.5 hours. I feel so, so absolutely sorry for the poor dude that had to sit next to this fidgety, sugar laced, newly minted Cinnabon junkie.



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