Wednesday, June 17, 2009

drapey skirt

I am absolutely in love with drapey, poppy colored mini skirts right now.
I saw 2 chicks-1 in atlanta, and 1 in birmingham, rocking these things and I knew I had to have one.
After buying 3 (yes 3) at Target-1 green, 1 pink, and 1 blue, and trying them on with every slinky tank top and vneck tee in my closet, I decided on the slinky green one, $14.99 at Tarjay.

You can't really see it from these pictures..I will try to do better next time:

I think you can tell how good of a time we had a the Magic City Brewfest.
Make sure you go, and buy your tickets in advance next time!!

Skirt at Target (not the one I got-couldn't find it. but my 2nd choice, definitely...and this one is $10!)

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Best Bouncy Ball Ever

Everyone rolls their eyes when they see it.
Then they can't stand it. They bounce it once, and their eyes light up, their eyebrows raise, and they have to bounce it again. They must-you can't stop. It is the most fascinating bouncy ball. Ever.
It is clear, but has glitter in it
 that covers the ball when bounced and makes these craz
y, trance inducing wave patterns as it diffuses...I paid $7 for that bouncy ball and I was supposed to give it to my niece as a birthday present-but I kept it.
So, you can imagine my reaction when I clicked on "What's New" in my Free People e-mail, clicked to the second page, and found.....

The world's most amazing bouncy ball-on a RING!!!! And, bonus, it's only $12...practically a steal, and it's only a little smaller than the full size one I paid $7 for!

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