Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Favorite Time of Year

...is when retailers change seasons. Summer to Back to School/Fall usually happens in July, when its getting hot enough to really wear all those tanks, minis, and espadrilles...Winter to spring usually happens right as its finally chilling out in the South...and my favorite, spring to summer, happens just as the winter chill breaks (most years, anyway)I unexpectedly happened upon the first (great) spring to summer transition sale....and retailers are obviously hurting because they are practically giving some of this stuff away!
Old Navy is currently featuring 75% off their lowest price on marked down items. I got an adorable navy blue cardigan printed with hot pink flowers for $5, marked down from $29.50! I couldn't find the picture on the website, but I did find some other items you might be able to find in (one of) your local stores: (I can't gurantee pricing/availabilty, but you get the idea)

Ruffle trim top, $19.99 (oldnavy.com) I didn't see this one, but I will be looking for it everywhere I can...adorable!
Yellow twill blazer, $24.99(Oldnavy.com) I didn't see this in the store either or I would've snatched it up in navy ($12.99) or khaki ($24.99 also)

metallic ballet flat, $12.99 (oldnavy.com...not featuring the 75% off on the website, so it will probably be less in store) I saw these at the one in Milwaukee...sooo cute but they didn't have my size.

More sale posts coming soon!!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feeling Poetic

(note: I didn't write this. one artsy thing i don't do)

may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old
may my mind stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it's sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young
and may myself do nothing usefully
and love yourself so more than truly
there's never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile 
ee cummings

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trench Coat Mafia

I have been languishing in vain for weeks, months, etc. about buying a Spring-y trench coat.

I bought one out of sheer desperation at a Wal-Mart in Dayton, Ohio for $25...then promptly left it on the Park-N-Fly bus that evening went I hit balmy, sunny Atl.

It is a character flaw, I admit, but I am never, never prepared for the climate of my weekly travel destination. And I mean never. 

So, when the hail storm-followed-by-torrential-rain hit Detroit this afternoon, my thought process went a little like this: "Must.Buy.Trench.Coat.Now."

My dry clean only, depth of winter number won't work for soggy spring days. And I refuse to wear an Anorak.

Several attempts to find something suitable at discount chains led me, in desperation, to the bain of my checkbook: Martin + Osa.

Of Course the cheerful sales girl asked me what I was looking for.
Of Course "I was in luck" as she put it.
Of Course it was absolutely perfect and better than I ever expected to find. And would match both brown and black, she pointed out.
Of Course the price tag made me see blotches of light for a second. "But it's on sale! 30% off" she said.
Of Course I walked out with it. And changed into it to walk into the restaurant for dinner.

Women's Jaquard Trench, $119 *on sale* Martin + Osa

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Detroit Hi-Lites

Ambassador Bridge
Detroit to Canada

To my own surprise, I actually am enjoying Detroit and its surrounding cities and townships (that's what they call them here, apparently.)
My favorite part(s) of driving around today:
  1. "Bridge to Canada" sign on I-94 east. Cussed when I realized I could've gotten a stamp on my passport if I had just thought to bring it with. Will definitely pack it on the next trip.
  2. Absence of chain restaurants. Even though it stresses me out to the nth degree, asking for restaurant reccomendations around town and getting answers like "Trattoria" and "Tommy's" make me a very happy traveler. Best way to get a cultural snapshot.
  3. Birmingham, Michigan. Even though the weather sucked (15 minute hailstorm while the parking meter was running) and I was so not sartorially prepared...(the usual conundrum I find myself in...living in Atlanta does not prepare one for a spring day in Michigan)...Birmingham, Michigan had street upon street of sidewalk cafes, artsy shops, chainlet specialty retailers (Anthro, Urban)...remind me of Lincoln Park(Chi) , SoHo (NY) and Sixth  Street (Austin). Went to what I thought was going to a $6/pop cupcake shop and got the most delicious German Chocolate cupcake for $2!! (Tuesday special..yes!)
    Downtown Birmingham, MI
    peanut butter cupcake from Cupcake Station
  4. Twelve Oaks Mall. Top 10. And that's quite a complement, from me. Doesn't hurt that its less than 2 minutes from my comfy hotel room.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feathers and Fringe...a bargain weekend!

This weekend was a full-on bargain fest in Bham...I always find such great deals when shopping with my madre...she just has this natural knack for it.
I have been absolutely obsessed with the Indian(native American) princess look-basically anything feathered or fringed.

I found this great, Lucky-ish neckalce at kohl's weekend...30% off so it was around $14:

Although the necklace was a Mom-approved purchase, she could not contain the rolled eyes when I fell in love with a $10 pair of YellowBox fringed moccasin booties:

Just call me Sacajewea.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Interior Decorating

(Above) My latest(and only, really) attempt at interior decorating.
My friend Sara and I picked up a small can of chalkboard paint at Home Depot (around $15) and painted this section of my wall that faces my living/dining room. I had a blast writing on it...the only thing is I filled it up and I already have more quotes to add!

PS...Bon Iver at Workplay in Birmingham June 6...be there!

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Monday, April 6, 2009

a new handbag...finally

My friends roll their eyes at me a lot. Especially when I say I need a new bag. I have been carrying the perfect Marc by Marc Jacobs bag for over a year now....but trust me. It's time for a replacement.

As luck would have it, someone with great taste moved out of my apartment...I got the Nordstrom Spring Accessories catalog last week...suffice it to say that my latest handbag obsession appeared within its pages:
This Joe's Jeans bag meets all the criteria: 
a) must be leather.
b) must be the perfect size (as Nordstrom's brilliant description puts it:" medium size. Holds wallet, book and water bottle")
c) must be a brilliant shade of brown that will go not only with my hippie dippie weekend looks but will be polished enough to work for work.
d) must be able to take a beating: 6 airports a month is not for the faint of heart (er, handbag)
e) MOST IMPORTANTLY: budget friendly. At $148 for a known label (and leather?!) I feel like it's a steal....well, a smart investment, if you will.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Renewing my Faith in Network Television

So I caught Better off Ted last night on ABC. It cracked me up. CRACKED me up. Caution: I am not an avid "The Office" watcher. I don't get how it's that funny. But Better Off Ted is smart, wicked humor that makes me laugh out loud and feel weird for doing so in a hotel room alone.

These 2, above, are the braniacs behind all of the company's new products-cowless beef was featured on the episode last night. The product taster/tester reviewed the first prototype of the cowless beef and said it tasted like "despair." Hilarious.

Bonus? It's abc so you can watch the episodes online at http://abc.go.com/primetime/betteroffted/index

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